What’s New in SnippetsLab 1.7

Nov 1, 2017

Major Update

  • Fuzzy Search and Intelligent Ranking: The app now performs fuzzy search and ranks search results by relevance.

  • MathJax Support: You can now incorporate complex math in your Markdown snippets with MathJax support.


  • Links in Markdown snippets are now automatically detected in preview mode.

  • Added zoom functionality when previewing a Markdown snippet (use Command-+, Command--, and Command-0 to zoom in, zoom out and reset zoom).

  • Drag snippets to Finder to export them as source files.

  • Snippets now have appropriate file extensions when exported as files or as a zip archive.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug that might prevent the fragment context menu from functioning correctly.

  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.7.1

Dec 10, 2017

  • Added three new themes: Material Light, One Dark, and Tomorrow Night Eighties.

  • Optimized GitHub integration and Alfred workflow.

  • Fixed an issue that may disable the context menu.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.7.2

Jan 16, 2018

  • Added syntax highlighting for over 30 new languages, including Angular 2, BibTeX, Stata, TypoScript, and more.

  • Improved syntax highlighting for C, C++, JavaScript, and PHP.

  • Fixed an issue that may cause the app to crash when importing from gist.

  • Added support for printing Markdown documents.

  • Minor performance optimizations.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.7.3

Feb 11, 2018

  • Improved performance and stability of iCloud sync.

  • Resolved an issue with the display of the root symbol in LaTeX formulas in Markdown snippet previews.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.7.4

Mar 10, 2018

  • Various bug fixes.

  • Improved iCloud sync stability.

  • Added support for Swift 4 syntax highlighting.

  • Enhanced Objective-C and Swift syntax highlighting with more Cocoa symbols.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.7.5

Sep 12, 2018

  • Improved compatibility with macOS Mojave.

  • Added an option to automatically clear the search bar in SnippetsLab Assistant.

  • Other bug fixes and stability improvements.