What’s New in SnippetsLab 2.3

Aug 2, 2023

Major Update

  • New Markdown Preview Features: Customize Markdown preview with new features and options:

    • Check spelling and grammar.

    • Treat newlines as line breaks (choose between CommonMark vs. GitHub style).

    • Automatically convert ASCII symbols into their corresponding special characters. For example (c) to ©, (tm) to , =/= to , etc.

    • Sticky table of contents.

    • Copy button when the mouse is hovering above a code block.

    • Soft-wrap code blocks.

    • New option to toggle per-snippet Markdown preview mode.

  • Markdown Snippet Rich Text Style: The Markdown editor now supports rich text styles and automatically applies appropriate font size, weight, style, background color, and more.


  • Added 33 new languages, including Arturo, Berry, Carbon, CSSUL4, COMAL-80, Cplint, Dax, Fift, FunC, GAP session, JMESPath, Jsonnet, K, MCFunction/MCSchema (Minecraft), MediaWiki Wikitext, MIPS, Macaulay2, Phix, Portugol, PostgreSQL Explain, Q, Qlik, SNBT, SQL+Jinja, Tal, Tl-b, UL4, Unix/Linux config files, WGSL (WebGPU Shading Language), World of Warcraft TOC, Wren, and X++.

  • Added the ability to preview the contents of backup libraries.

  • Added the Nord theme.

  • Expanded the share menu with additional options such as exporting and GitHub publishing. Non-Markdown snippets can now be exported as HTML as well.

  • When importing from Quiver, images are now automatically converted to Markdown image links.

  • The app now remembers the setting for whether to publish a gist as secret.

  • Improved the search ranking algorithm.

  • Added the Command modifier key for SnippetsLab Assistant actions, allowing separate actions for click, Option-click, and Command-click.

  • Added integrated search bar for Markdown preview.

  • Substantially improved the performance of Markdown preview.

  • Improved the accuracy of Markdown scroll sync.

  • SnippetsLab Assistant now mirrors the main window’s sorting behavior.

  • The notes area’s font size now matches the main editor.

  • Improved syntax highlighting for various languages.

Resolved Issues

  • Global default language setting now works correctly with SnippetsLab Assistant.

  • Fixed cursor display issues over line numbers.

  • Fixed a bug that causes some text files to be non-selectable when importing plain text files.

  • Fixed an issue where newly created fragments would ignore the global default language setting.

  • Fixed an issue where rich content copied from other apps may be pasted as image attachments.

What’s New in SnippetsLab 2.3.1

Sep 12, 2023


  • Added over 600 new symbols for folders and smart groups.

  • The app now automatically trims surrounding whitespace when entering tags.

  • Enhanced brackets and quotes autocompletion.

  • Added an option to disable highlighting code blocks without explicit languages in Markdown preview.

  • Added the ability to drop files into the editor to insert as attachments.

  • Improved full text search algorithm to provide more relevant results.

  • The app now automatically selects the matching fragment when searching and performing actions in SnippetsLab Assistant.

  • When exporting a Markdown snippet as HTML or plain text, the associated attachments are now also included.

  • Alfred workflow now supports Alfred Universal Action.

  • Stability and performance improvements.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where detached preview windows do not retain the previously selected fragment.

  • Fixed an issue where Markdown attachment images may not display correctly in the preview.

  • Fixed an issue where bold-italic text and headings are not typeset correctly in the Markdown editor.

  • Fixed an issue where reordering attachments via drag and drop may not work correctly.

What’s New in SnippetsLab 2.3.2

Sep 29, 2023

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements.

What’s New in SnippetsLab 2.3.3

Oct 19, 2023

  • Fixed an issue with “Paste directly to active app” assistant action when using macOS Sonoma.

  • Other bug fixes and stability improvements.

What’s New in SnippetsLab 2.3.4

Dec 9, 2023

  • Addressed a potential crash that could occur when creating backups.

  • Eliminated an issue where copying code blocks from Markdown preview resulted in an unwanted trailing newline character.